Playgoers of Dartington Hall / News / Wed 14 Aug 2013
Auditions for Suddenly Last Summer, by Tennessee Williams

Suddenly Last Summer will be performed on 4th 5th 6th December at South Devon Arts Centre in Totnes.
Auditions will be held on:
• Sunday 25th August from 10 a.m. till 1.
• Saturday 7th September from 2 p.m. till 5.
• Sunday 8th September from 10 a.m. till 1.
At Birdwood House Totnes
To book a place or talk about the play, please ring or email:
Mike Davies lornamike@btopenworld.com
01548 560445 or 07884 496789
or Di Goodey di@playgoers.co.uk 01364 72253
Catharine Holly, a poor relation of a prominent New Orleans family, seems to be insane after her cousin Sebastian dies under mysterious circumstances on a trip to Europe. Sebastian's mother, Violet Venable, trying to cloud the truth about her son's homosexuality and death, threatens to lobotomize Catharine for her incoherent utterances relating to Sebastian's demise. Under the influence of a truth serum, Catharine tells the gruesome story of Sebastian's death.
Cast Age
Mrs Violet Venable - female late 50s upwards
Dr Cukrowicz - male 30s, 40s or 50s
Miss Foxhill - female 20s upwards
Mrs Holly - female late 50s upwards
George Holly - male 20s or 30s
Catherine Holly - female 20s or 30s
Sister Felicity - female 30s upwards
For more information visit http://www.playgoers.co.uk/
News Location
Website: http://www.playgoers.co.uk/