PiPtoGrowStrong / Opportunities / Mon 03 Dec 2018
Breakfast. With Added Joy.

This is about getting together with others once a month to reflect and share what brought us joy in the previous month and what we might like to focus on in the coming month.
As a creative person it's good to make space for reflection.
It's an opportunity to give yourself chance to think about what makes you feel good and also what is perhaps draining you, with some ways to reduce that heavy feeling.
Oh, and you get a really good breakfast!
For more information visit http://piptogrowstrong.co.uk/breakfast-added-joy/
Opportunity Location
The N'Office
90 New North Road
Telephone: 07896 018 480
Email: natasha@piptogrowstrong.com
Website: http://piptogrowstrong.co.uk/breakfast-added-joy/