Phoenix Art Space / Events / Sat 19 Nov to Sun 18 Dec 2011 (1 month)
Practical Electronica

Wed - Sun, 11am - 5pm
Inspired by the legacy of musician, inventor, engineer and writer Fred Judd, and the ongoing research and work of Ian Helliwell, this exhibition gathers together some of the fascinating material from Helliwell’s new documentary film, Practical Electronica. Experimental sounds, tape loops, books, collages, magazines, televisions and tone generators form the content.
Old and discarded equipment reactivated and customised, revealing the ways in which it has been reconfigured, and applied to contemporary music and filmmaking. Alongside a collection of Fred Juddrabilia, visitors can see their voice patterns on a TV monitor, make sounds with a brand new Hellisizer, and gain a perspective on the origins of British electronic music.
Active Crossover / Practical Electronica
Saturday 26 November, 7.30pm at Phoenix Brighton
Free entry
A night of experimental sound and vision.
Practical Electronica: Sound Visualisation Films
To compliment his Practical Electronica exhibition, Ian Helliwell presents a selection of experimental shorts featuring music activated images, and graphically generated soundtracks.
Part 1 involves archive films from the 1960s including the first screening of Fred Judd's Chromasonics.
Part 2 looks at Helliwell's work with super 8, modified televisions and self-built electronic circuitry.
Active Crossover
Simon Whetham presents a series of three 'sets' where two artists play solo-collaboration-solo.
Bela Emerson, Duncan Harrison, Paul Khimasia Morgan, Slow Listener, Alexander Wendt & Simon Whetham
For more information visit http://www.phoenixbrighton.org/exhibitions/291-practical-electronica.html
Event Location
Phoenix Brighton
10–14 Waterloo Place
Brighton East Sussex
Telephone: 01273 603 700
Email: info@phoenixbrighton.org
Website: http://www.phoenixbrighton.org/exhibitions/291-practical-electronica.html