Phoenix Art Space / Events / Sat 19 Nov to Sun 18 Dec 2011 (1 month)
Brighton Photo Fringe Open '11 - exhibition

Wed – Sun 11am – 5pm
Late night openings every Thursday to 9 pm
Through an international open call Brighton Photo Fringe Open ‘11 has brought together a diverse group of curators and artists to explore different perspectives on the critical issues emerging from contemporary photographic practice.
The artists exhibited in the Open ’11 exhibition have been chosen by a curatorial collective, made up of curators, practitioners, gallerists and critics, for the ways in which they explore photographic practice and redefine disciplinary boundaries.
Emerging from curator-artist dialogues and the contributions of a group of selected events curators and guest writers, a series of related events and texts has evolved for both the gallery space and online forums.
Exhibiting artists: Alexander Nicolas Gehring, Steffi Klenz, Jessica Mallock, Nadege Meriau, Pedro Ramos, Preston is my Paris, Tom Saunderson, Daniel Stier and Casey Wilson.
The Open ‘11 events include artist talks, a live publishing platform, In Conversations, workshops, gallery talks, a lens-based artists programme and projects that generate discussion about the broader context of contemporary photography. All events are free, check website for booking details.
A collection of texts written by a selected group of internationally based curators in response to the artist open call will be available online and from the exhibition library.
The curatorial teams were appointed by mentor Charlotte Cotton, Creative Director of the Media Space (a partnership between the Science Museum and the National Media Museum) and formerly head of programming at the Photographers' Gallery, London, and Director of Brighton Photo Fringe, Helen Cammock.
All Brighton Photo Fringe Open ’11 artist and curator participants were selected through an open call.
Image: Medium, Alexander Nicolas Gehring, 2011
For more information visit http://www.phoenixbrighton.org/exhibitions/290-open2011.html
Event Location
Phoenix Brighton
10–14 Waterloo Place
East Sussex
Telephone: 01273 603 700
Email: info@phoenixbrighton.org
Website: http://www.phoenixbrighton.org/exhibitions/290-open2011.html