Philip Eley / Events / Wed 17 Jun to Wed 15 Jul 2015 (1 month)
Variety Night

Time Out Coffee shop is hosting 2 variety nights featuring quizzes, games and food as well as opportunities for sharing your talents at our Open Mic slot. Entry is free. The cafe will be open selling snacks, cakes and drinks. Come on your own or invite some friends, there will be something for everyone in a relaxed evening of conversation and variety. First variety night 7.30 - 9.00 on Wednesday 17th June then another on Wednesday 15th July.
For more information visit http://www.timeout4coffee.co.uk/
Event Location
Time Out Coffee Shop
6 Sturcombe ave, Roselands estate, Paignton, TQ4 7EB
Email: phil@linxyouth.net
Website: http://www.timeout4coffee.co.uk/