“Here and there a tawny brook prattled out from among the underwood and lost itself again in the ferns and brambles upon the further side. Save the dull piping of insects and the sough of the leaves, there was silence everywhere - the sweet restful silence of nature."
(from ‘The White Company’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Swift waters making their way through the fern festooned Upper Colly Brook, on an autumn afternoon. The Colly Brook runs through a steep combe (hanging valley) on the western side of Dartmoor National Park below Smeardon Down. The brook eventually joins the River Tavy in the lower valley to the west.
Ordnance Survey Grid Reference – SX522 776
Altitude = 250m A.S.L.
Weather conditions: overcast with faint diffused transient sunlight & occasional drizzle. Cloud base at 300 – 350m
Pentax K-x
Pentax 18-55mm SMC/ DAL lens
Cromatek Circular Polarizer
Manfrotto 190XProB tripod
Manfrotto 498RC2 panoramic ball-head
A squarorama stitch of three overlapping frames (in ‘portrait format’) – stitched by using Microsoft Research’s Image Composite Editor
Aperture = f/13
Exposure duration = 0.7 seconds
Focal length = 21mm
ISO = 200
Manual mode
Spot metering
For more information visit http://www.philhemsley.co.uk/gallery/dartmoor-3348/photo/the-sweet-restful-silence-of-nature-755438/large/