Phil Effervescent / Opportunities / Sun 29 Jul 2018
Freelance artist/designer/engineer. Open to Individual or team.

Effervescent, a social impact design lab, is working in partnership with eight young curators/producers from Plymouth’s Kurdish Exile Centre on an interactive gallery installation at Radiant Gallery for September 2018. This is a response to, or companion piece to the Collected Shadows exhibition at Peninsula Arts which is drawn from the Archive of Modern Conflict.
Working title, CAROUSEL, the centre piece of the installation will be a functioning “ghostly” carousel approximately 4-5 metres in diameter. There will be only one functioning horse that members of the public can ride but also the broken or smashed remains of others. The overall design concept is something once-beautiful but now decayed, distressed and damaged. Predominantly white. The dome roof will be styled after the The Dome of the Rock. There will also be a sound element (a sound artist has already been appointed).
The working themes of the installation are conflict, displacement and protection.
Effervescent seeks an experienced theatre designer and/or engineer who is comfortable working with these themes. Our house style is magical realist with very strong visual and metaphorical elements.
The applicant will require engineering skills as well as design skills. We are happy to receive applications for either or both roles from individuals or from teams. You must also be comfortable working in collaborative partnership with young people, and therefore hold appropriate insurance and a DBS check.
Alongside the Director and young curators/producers, you will be working with a sound artist who has already been appointed.
The budget is £9,000 to include all fees, materials and production costs and VAT.
To express your interest. Please send a CV, cover letter, images of previous work, and an outline of how you would fulfil the brief to Phil Innes, Creative Producer: phil@eff.co.uk please use the title CAROUSEL DESIGNER in the title as email will be sorted automatically.
Short listing will take place Monday 30th July and meetings set up for later that week. Selection meeting via Skype is possible.
Deadline for applications: midnight, 29 July 2018.
CAROUSEL is produced by Effervescent in partnership with Peninsula Arts and the Kurdish Exile Centre. It is funded by Peninsula Arts and Arts Council England.
For more information visit http://eff.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Radiant Gallery
12 Derry's Cross
Telephone: 07773 337 714
Email: phil@eff.org.uk
Website: http://eff.org.uk/