Peppermint Muse / Opportunities / Sun 30 Jun 2013
Casting Notice: Hamlet Auditions

We're looking for actors to audition for our production of Hamlet to be performed 5-8 and 12-15 February 2014 at the Maltings Arts Theatre in St Albans.
We’re abridging and adapting the play for a cast of seven actors with a maximum running time of two hours. Most of the cast will be expected to play multiple roles. The arrangements for doubling are yet to be finalised but we've indicated below what the likely combinations will be. We’re holding open auditions for the following roles:
Hamlet - Male (no doubling)
Gertrude - Female (doubles with Player)
Polonia or Polonius - Female/Male (Ophelia and Laertes’ mother or father, doubles with various parts)
Laertes - Male (doubles with Guildenstern)
We’re operating an ‘age-blind’ casting process for this production. If you think you’re too old or too young for the role you’re interested in, we’d still love to hear from you!
The auditions will be held as part of a workshop session. This will give everyone an opportunity to work together prior to auditioning (and hopefully settle some nerves!). The date for the audition workshop is:
• Sunday 30 June 2-5pm Maltings Arts Theatre, St Albans
If you would like to audition but are unable to make this date, please let us know.
We will be rehearsing from November to February, with some preliminary workshops and rehearsals in September, after which the script will be finalised. Rehearsals will take place in the St Albans area. Week day rehearsals will be held in the evening. We will do our best to accommodate the availability of the cast when creating our rehearsal schedule.
If you are interested in auditioning, please email info@peppermintmuse.co.uk by Friday 14 June stating:
which role you are interested in auditioning for
your preferred rehearsal days or days you are regularly not free to rehearse
any specific dates or periods of time (e.g. holidays) when you will not be available (from Nov–Feb).
We’ll then send you further information about the production. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
For more information visit http://www.peppermintmuse.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Maltings Arts Theatre
Level 2, The Maltings
St Albans
Telephone: 01442 817 693
Email: info@peppermintmuse.co.uk
Website: http://www.peppermintmuse.co.uk/