Pavilion Dance South West / Opportunities / Fri 09 Jan 2015

Hip Hop Choreolab

Hip Hop ChoreoLAB: Open Call for Applications
30 Mar – 3 April 2015

Pavilion Dance South West and South East Dance are working in partnership to increase development and choreographic opportunities for artists working in and influenced by Hip Hop dance.

Applications are now open for the 2015 Hip Hop ChoreoLAB. The lab will be an opportunity for two artists to experiment with ideas and test possibilities with a collaborator of their choice, investigating new work over a week without the pressure of producing a finished piece of work. In addition, the participating artists will take part in the Hip Hop Dance Summit at Pavilion Dance South West in May 2015. Each artist will receive a budget to cover fees, collaborators and expenses. Producers from both organisations will be present throughout the LAB week offering support, advice and feedback.

Applications for this opportunity are being managed by Pavilion Dance South West.

The support successful applicants will receive includes -

5 days studio space
£500 fee for LAB and summit (inclusive)
£500 fee for collaborator
A travel bursary of up to £75 per person (total £150)
Accommodation for applicant and collaborator for 5 nights (arrival Sun 29 Mar, departure Fri 4 April plus evening of 8 May)
Creative producers from PDSW and South East Dance will spend time in the studio with the artists, giving feedback throughout the week. Each artist will have a one hour session with producers from each organisation focussed on wider career development
A minimum of a 1 hour session on final choreolab day with member of PDSW technical team to discuss and trial lighting design ideas
An opportunity to interact with other selected artists and collaborators, including discussions and artist led warm-ups (each artist or collaborative pair will be requested to lead 1 warm-up session)
An informal work-in-progress sharing at the end of the choreoLAB week.
In addition, artists will have an opportunity to present up to 15 minutes of their work as part of the Hip Hop dance Summit to an invited audience of venue promoters and programmers from across the country.

Applicants and their collaborators must be available to attend the following at Pavilion Dance, Bournemouth -

ChoreoLAB Mon 30 Mar – Fri 3 April (please be aware that Fri 3 is a public holiday - Good Friday). The Choreolab starts with welcome and introductions Mon 30th at midday and ends following work-in-progress sharing and debrief Fri 3 April 6pm
Hip Hop dance Summit 8 & 9 May

To apply please complete and return application form to by 9 January 2015. Application forms available on

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Pavilion Dance

Westover Road,

Telephone: 01202 203 630

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

