Pauljohnsonrogers / News / Wed 06 Feb 2013
Notes from the South Downs: an album of musical snapshots

It's not uncommon when out and about, especially in an area of outstanding natural beauty, to find photographers taking pictures and artists making drawings of the remarkable scenery that surrounds them. It's a lot less common to stumble across a composer with a full-blown portable recording studio doing essentially the same thing with music. But if you've been visiting the South Downs over the past few months, you might have seen exactly that!
Composer Paul Johnson Rogers, from Rustington, West Sussex, has always considered himself lucky to live in such a picturesque place and is no stranger to the coast and countryside that makes this newly created National Park so special. Motivated not only by the beautiful environment, but also by the many new initiatives being put in place to protect it, he decided to take a portable studio out on the road and create an 'album of musical snapshots and sketches, pieces written and recorded at the places that inspired them'.
For further details and press release, click for PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u46hw8a7pk5wsqs/NftSD%20Press%20Release.pdf
The album 'Notes from the South Downs' is available as a download from iTunes and other e-retailers or as a cd from Melody Shack 01903 773335
For more information visit http://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/paul-johnson-rogers/id557209891/