Patrick Jones / News / Mon 28 Nov 2011
Patrick Jones exhibits at Falmouth Art Gallery 26 Nov - 4 Feb

Patrick is currently exhibiting at Falmouth Art Gallery in a group exhibition called Fishwick & Friends.
Clifford Fishwick (1923-1997) was a regular visitor to Cornwall, with Falmouth being one of his favourite haunts. As Principal of Exeter College of Art he was an important figure to many South West artists.
This exciting exhibition is mounted to coincide with the publication of a new book on the artist by the distinguished painter and art historian, Peter Davies.
Among Fishwick's friends to feature in the exhibition are: Arthur Ballard, Trevor Bell, Michael Garton, William Gear, Peter Lanyon, Michael Mayer, Patrick Jones, Jack Pender, Karl Weschke and Bryan Wynter.
For more information visit http://www.falmouthartgallery.com/index.html
News Location
Falmouth Art Gallery
Municipal Buildings
The Moor
TR11 2RT