
Parley / Events / Thu 05 Sep to Tue 17 Dec 2019 (3 months)

Echoes of a Market

Echoes of a Market

Phase 1, The Pod - September 10th to October 25th

Phase 2, The Sweet Spot, November 15th to December 17th

Open Tuesday and Wednesday 11am - 4pm

Echoes of a Market began with the installation of a listening and recording pod in Queensgate Market. Featuring a sound piece by artist David Velez created from early field recordings taken in the market. The Pod introduced the project and encouraged engagement, further recordings and conversation around our relationship with the market at a time of change.

In addition, 6 community workshops and field recordings took place, facilitated by Cheryl Holland, Victoria McCorkell, Stephanie Pogson and Dave Kane.

Thanks to the traders at Queensgate Market, shoppers, piano players and community for their contribution, each sharing memories, thoughts, sounds or music.

Phase 2. The Sweet Spot. - November 15th - December 17th.
Open Tuesday and Wednesday

In November artists Alice Bradshaw, Dave Kane, Chris Ruffoni and Stephanie Pogson each created a piece of work in response to the collected recordings, visual and written documentation.

The Sweet Spot encourages us to listen and ask questions, how comfortable are we with melancholy, how well do we tolerate loss and fear of change, does retreating to the past comfort, frustrate, hold us back or drive forward?

Throughout this project we spoke with many people, several memories about Queensgate Market were shared, feelings about past, present and hopes for the future. As local practitioners we too took part in the conversation. Were we more empathetic to days gone by or cheering and embracing change? one thing shared by all was a sense of loss and a desire for vibrancy and growth.

Echoes of a Market recognises many town centres across the UK have faced challenges in recent years, this project wanted to begin and further a dialogue on what role we can all play to support local trade and the future of our market.

All materials required for this project were purchased within Queensgate Market or sourced locally.

Produced by Parley
Victoria McCorkell with artists: David Velez - Phase 1 Sound Art, Alice Bradshaw - Phase 2 Visual Art, Chris Ruffoni - Phase 2 Sound Art, Dave Kane - field recordings and Phase 2 Sound Art , Stephanie Pogson - Creative Facilitation, field recordings and phase 2 Sound Art, Cheryl Holland - Creative Facilitation.

With special thanks to all the traders, shopper and community who took part.

For more information visit

Event Location

Stall 16/18 Temporary Contemporary, Queensgate Market.

Queensgate Market
Princess Alexandra Walk


Event Details
