PANDA-Performing Arts Network PANDA Performing Arts Network & Develpt
PANDA (Performing Arts Network & Development Agency) is a membership network and support organisation focussing on the North of England. Our mission is to proactively support a vibrant enterprise culture by nurturing talent, creating connections - we do this through training, coaching, action learning facilitation, networking events and continuing professional development. We have a continuously updated jobs/opportunities section on our website which displays funding streams, vacancies etc available for professionals working or aspiring to work, in the performing arts and related sectors in the North. Members can also post their own events and vacancies, their profile and interact via our message board. We have many members based in Kirklees and are working hard to serve these.
This year, we are launching localised network hubs in partnership with likeminded organisations based in the area, to ensure focus and reach is rooted in the local professional community.
View my website http://www.panda-arts.org.uk/
My Location
Northern Network
74 Bridge Lanes
Hebden Bridge
Telephone: 07949 154 844
Email: anne-marie@panda-arts.org.uk
Website: http://www.panda-arts.org.uk/