Pallant House Gallery / Events / Thu 03 Oct 2013
Talk: Eduardo Paolozzi's Bunk Collages

The inaugural meeting of the Independent Group at the ICA in April 1952 has gained mythical status as one of the seminal moments in the development of Pop art in Britain when Paolozzi presented his now-celebrated series of collages drawn from American adverts, science fiction and American
magazines. The collages suggested a radical new aesthetic, which, before the end of the decade, was to form the basis of pop art. The art historian John Paul Stonard explores this key moment in the development of Pop art in Britain.
Talk + wine: £12 (Friends £10.50)
Talk only: £8.50 (Friends £7, Students £7.50)
For more information visit http://pallant.org.uk/events/all-events/2013/october/eduardo-paolozzis-bunk-collages/
Event Location
Pallant House Gallery
9 North Pallant
PO19 1TJ
Telephone: 01243 774 557
Email: info@pallant.org.uk
Website: http://pallant.org.uk/events/all-events/2013/october/eduardo-paolozzis-bunk-collages/