Pallant House Gallery / Events / Sat 15 Jun to Sun 29 Sep 2013 (4 months)
Modern British Collage and its Legacy

Collage has been at the centre of artistic practice since the beginning of the twentieth century. In its simplest form, whether pasted, painted, assembled or constructed, the technique represented a radical restructuring of the pictorial tradition. Through Surrealism and Pop Art, it evolved from a marginal and purely synthetic process to become an intrinsic part of the modern aesthetic.
This exhibition will explore the role of collage in the trajectory of modern British art through collage, prints and paintings by artists in the Gallery's Collection such as John Piper, Ben Nicholson, Eileen Agar, Nigel Henderson, Richard Hamilton, Peter Blake and John Stezaker.
Image Credit: Nigel Henderson, 4 Mural Panels (Screen) (detail), 1949-52 and 1960, Collage, oil paint and photographic processes on wood panel Pallant House Gallery (Wilson Gift through The Art Fund, 2004), © The Estate of Nigel Henderson
For more information visit http://pallant.org.uk/exhibitions1/current-exhibitions1/main-galleries/modern-british-collage-and-its-legacy/
Event Location
Pallant House Gallery
9 North Pallant
PO19 1TJ
Telephone: 01243 774 557
Email: info@pallant.org.uk
Website: http://pallant.org.uk/exhibitions1/current-exhibitions1/main-galleries/modern-british-collage-and-its-legacy/