Palace Theatre Paignton / Events / Sun 20 Dec 2020 to Sun 03 Jan 2021 (2 weeks)
Jack and The Beanstalk

Jack’s back in 2020!
“A masterclass on how to deliver first class entertainment”, “it is all about the audience’s enjoyment” and “a magical experience” were just three of the comments received for Sleeping Beauty last Christmas.
Now Jack’s back to deliver another fabulous pantomime at the Palace Theatre, Paignton. The same experienced production team will be on hand to guide Jack up the beanstalk to rescue the Princess from the scary giant with the help or hindrance of the usual pantomime characters both good and bad.
Will he succeed? A professional script, five professional musicians, dazzling costumes, wonderful dancing and humour brought to you by the best of local talent and a few surprises.
As the Giant was heard to say “Fee Fi Fo Fum, to the Palace you must come”
With tickets held at 2019 prices get booking for a fabulous treat. Programme prices also held at £2.50, order yours when you book your tickets and collect on arrival!
SUNDAY 20 December 2.30
TUESDAY 22 December 7.30
WEDNESDAY 23 December 7.30
SATURDAY 26 December 2.30
SUNDAY 27 December 2.30
MONDAY 28 December 2.30 and 7.30
TUESDAY 29 December 7.30
WEDNESDAY 30 December 7.30
FRIDAY 1 January 2.30
SATURDAY 2 January 2.30 and 7.30
SUNDAY 3 January 2.30
For more information visit https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/jack-and-the-beanstalk/all/
Event Location
The Palace Theatre
Palace Avenue
Telephone: 01803 665 800
Email: info@palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk
Website: https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/jack-and-the-beanstalk/all/