Palace Theatre Paignton / Events / Wed 15 to Sat 18 Apr 2020 (4 days)
Ghost Train

Bijou Theatre Productions celebrates their 65th Anniversary with this classic drama from Arnold Ridley
A very silly young man accidentally strands six passengers at a small Cornish wayside station. Despite the psychic stationmaster’s weird stories of a ghost train, they decide to stay the night in the waiting room. Soon they regret this decision as ghostly and not so ghostly apparitions materialize, before the young man reveals the true reason behind the night’s events.
Ghost Train was first produced in 1925 and filmed no less than three times.
For more information visit https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/the-ghost-train/?eventDisplay=all
Event Location
The Palace Theatre
Palace Theatre Paignton
Palace Avenue
Telephone: 01803 665 800
Email: info@palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk
Website: https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/the-ghost-train/?eventDisplay=all