Palace Theatre Paignton / Events / Fri 01 May 2020
Choice Grenfell: A Tribute to Joyce Grenfell

An evening celebrating the very best of much-loved Joyce Grenell in the company of one of Britain’s best-loved comediennes.
In these somewhat uncertain times comes a wonderful evening of warmth, wit and gentle humour. A full length show featuring some of the best of Joyce’s hilarious songs and monologues from Stately As A Galleon and School Nativity Play to A Terrible Worrier and First Flight. Joyce is our guide for a delightful delve into some of her most endearing characters, ably accompanied by her trusted pianist William Blezard.
As Joyce Grenfell would have said…
“We request the pleasure of your company” in the company of one of Britain’s best loved comediennes.
For more information visit https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/choice-grenfell-a-tribute-to-joyce-grenfell/
Event Location
The Palace Theatre
Palace Theatre Paignton
Palace Avenue
Telephone: 01803 665 800
Email: info@palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk
Website: https://www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk/shows/choice-grenfell-a-tribute-to-joyce-grenfell/