Paisley Pedlar / Opportunities / Thu 30 Jun 2016
Lead Artist needed for banner making workshops

Lead artist required by Cranleigh Arts Centre for 2 one day workshops in August making banners for Cranleigh Festivals. A fee will be paid for the two workshops plus a materials allowance. Artists should have experience of creating work for outdoors, of working with children and young people and have a valid enhanced DBS check. The emphasis of the workshops should be on fun and creativity and the workshops will take place during the Cranleigh Staycation weeks 1st to 13th August 2016. The themes for the banner will be Food and Music Festivals, Cranleigh Village and one other theme to be decided by the artist. Please apply with a short outline of how you would run to workshop and a CV to Gillian Collins, Arts Development Coordinator, (Cranleigh Arts Centre, 1 High Street, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8AS) by email on cranleigh@cranleighartscentre.org
For more information visit http://www.cranleighartscentre.org/
Opportunity Location
Cranleigh Arts Centre
Cranleigh Arts Centre
1 High Street
Telephone: 01483 278 001
Email: cranleigh@cranleighartscentre.org
Website: http://www.cranleighartscentre.org/