Pageturners Festival / Events / Mon 10 Apr 2017
Three Grimm Tales with Eden Ballantyne (Kirkburton)

Join Storyteller Eden, for some interactive stories from the Brothers Grimm, with tales of heroism and friendship, snakes and animal musicians. You don’t have to just sit there and listen…you can get involved in the story and play a part.
Suitable for ages 5-10 / Running from 2:30 - 3:30
Book a free ticket at: www.pageturnersfestival.co.uk
More Information
Eden Ballantyne is a storyteller who performs as a variety of historical characters, delivering stories and workshops with his own company Stories Alive. Having spent over 15 years performing all over the UK and Europe with a variety of theatre companies. Eden settled in Yorkshire to become a storyteller. He now spends most of his time performing in schools, Libraries and museums, with his summers spent touring festivals.