Pageturners Festival / Events / Tue 11 Apr 2017
Rap with Rappaman! (Birstall)

Never one to shy away from tough issues, Donavan Christopher’s (aka Rappaman) positive poems were made to be performed and he does so here in a high energy, upbeat, fun and informative performance, followed by a workshop to inspire you to write your own poems.
Suitable for ages 8+ / Running from 10:30 - 12:00
Book a free ticket at: www.pageturnersfestival.co.uk
Author Information
Donavan, AKA - Dee Bo General has been writing poetry seriously for the past 15 years as a tool for self - expression and to tackle social problems via the sports participation and cultural equality (SPACE) project in Huddersfield. He is currently working with young people on Rap poetry educational projects. By engaging with young people and giving them the forum to share ideas and views, Donavan promotes cultural diversity and respect-for-all. His workshops help young people capture and express their thoughts in a safe environment all done in a fun way.