Juliette Goddard MA(RCA) / News / Fri 11 Sep 2020
The Oli Bennett Charitable Trust secret Post card auction.

June 27th 2021 Olibennett.org.uk
Oli Bennet SECRET post card auction and exhibition taking place in London Westminster this auction takes place every other year, this year the silent auction took place on line as of Covid 19. The post cards are silently auctioned off to raise funds for the charity set up by his family and friend at the Westminster school www.olibennettpostcards.com . This year I designed two horses called Equestrian with twin towers underneath as the Classical Greek inspired Horses much like The Janus represent the move forward as inspired much by the Queens horse statues at Sandringham., Each year this auction exhibition attracts lots of interest form the public and well known artists that contribute to the post card designs. Anthony Gormley ,Norman Ackroyd RA, and Peter Blake , Dhruva Mistry RA. The silent auction raised funds of £15,463.37 for the Oli Bennett charity which will hold its event on the 11th September 2021 at the Westminster school.
For more information visit http://www.olibennett.org.uk/
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Website: http://www.olibennett.org.uk/