Our Biennale / Events / Tue 04 Sep to Tue 20 Nov 2018 (3 months)
Our Biennale's Great Kirklees Railway Exhibition

Working with The Children's Art School, school children have produced 100 large-scale paintings now exhibited throughout Our Biennale on the platforms at stations along the Penistone Line and at Huddersfield Station.
Working with a poet and visual artist, the children and young people are creating poetry and paintings exploring light and dark. They have delved into the local history linked to the railways, geography, landscape and mythology, in particular the myths and legends of the dragon at Castle Hill.
The artwork on each station create a visual narrative for those travelling by train. The project aims to bring colour and life to places that currently feel somewhat run down, to place art in public spaces and to draw attention to the Biennale.
Schools involved in the project include Honley Junior School, Netherthong Primary School, Farnley Tyas First School, Scholes Primary School, Royds Hall Community School and Holme Primary School.
For more information visit https://evokekirklees.org/event/the-great-kirklees-railway-exhibition-with-the-childrens-art-school/