organicARTS / News / Wed 25 Feb 2015
Organic Arts Minibus Appeal - We need your help!

We have just launched a Crowdfunding campaign for our new minibus.
We love being based at West Town Farm in Ide near Exeter and are very lucky to have access to the farm, but not everyone is so privileged. Many people who we work with don’t have access to their own transport and we are not easily accessible by public transport.
Our minibus is coming towards the end of its life and is increasingly unreliable and costly to repair.
So far we have raised £22,500 of the £30,000 needed for a new one and WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have set up a crowdfunding campaign for the last £7,500, our volunteers have helped us make a video and we have some great rewards starting from just £5.
The new minibus will provide essential transport for our existing groups but also extend the experience to a wider range of groups and organisations.
Thank you so much for your interest and support, please help us by spreading the word!
Just click on the link below and chose your pledge amount.
For more information visit
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