Opera North / News / Thu 13 Oct 2016
Cbeebies' Pui joins the Orchestra of Opera North in Huddersfield

Former Teletubby and much-loved Cbeebies presenter Pui Fan Lee will be taking apart the Orchestra of Opera North in How it Works, a fun, family-friendly concert at Huddersfield Town Hall on Sunday 23 October.
Pui, who has introduced a generation of children to the joy of words and storytelling with Show Me Show Me, will turn her attention to the language of music for this engaging afternoon, perfect for young and old alike. She'll break down the barriers, explain the traditions and expose the myths surrounding the orchestra.
Each colour-coded section of the ensemble will take its turn under the microscope as Pui uses well-known pieces of music to give a unique insight into its workings, in part and as a whole. There will be a chance to find out how the Orchestra conjures up the Storm from Britten’s Peter Grimes, with its huge waves of strings, brass and pounding percussion, and how it transforms itself into Villa Lobos’ Little Train of Caipira, complete with chugging engine and woodwind whistle.
Looking back on her own early musical experiences, Pui says that she recognises the value of introducing children to music at an early age. "I don’t come from a musical family but I clearly remember a rather cranky Bontempi electric organ which sounded like an air raid siren when switched on. I loved it, though, and played Silent Night on it until it indeed became silent!
“My first live music concert was at Nottingham Royal Concert Hall when my big sister took me to see Madness play. I vividly remember the saxophonist who was able to dance along and play at the same time - very cool!
“Looking back, I’d have loved to have gone to a family concert to see a live orchestra when I was young. Nowadays one of my favourite events in the calendar is International Evening at my sons’ school, when the local community come together and celebrate music, dance, poetry and songs from all over the world - it's a very special day. In preparation for How it Works, I’ve been thinking about the sort of questions my kids would be asking about the music, and what they would get excited about.
“As an adult, I’m still discovering the joys of the orchestra and I’m looking forward to learning more with the audience as we go along!"
Pui Fan Lee presents How it Works, part of the Kirklees Concert Season, at Huddersfield Town Hall on Sunday 23 October at 4pm. Before the concert, there will be a chance to get hands-on with a whole range of musical instruments in the Old Court Room, within the Town Hall building, from 3.15pm.
All seats for the concert cost £12, or just £6 for under 16s. Tickets can be booked via the Box Office on 01484 225755 and online at www.kirkleestownhalls.co.uk
For more information visit https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/orchestra%20of%20opera%20north%20(ns)%20-%20how%20it%20works/info
News Location
Huddersfield Town Hall
Corporation St
Telephone: 01484 225 755
Email: info@operanorth.co.uk
Website: https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/shows/orchestra%20of%20opera%20north%20(ns)%20-%20how%20it%20works/info