Open Door / Opportunities / Thu 06 Apr 2023
Call for submissions: SpringTime

We're welcoming makers & artists of all kinds to fill Open Door with wonderful pieces on the theme of SpringTime.
Whether you're a ceramicist, painter, photographer, illustrator or someone just starting out or making art for fun, we want to hear from you! All ages and mediums welcome.
Deadline for submissions Thursday 6th April - download full details in our call for submissions document.
Visit the exhibition: Monday April 17th to Saturday May 13th 2023
For more information visit https://www.opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/exhibitions.html
Opportunity Location
Open Door
360 High Street Berkhamsted
Telephone: 07779 643 849
Email: art@opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk
Website: https://www.opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/exhibitions.html