Open Door / Opportunities / Thu 31 Aug 2023
Call for submissions: Home Grown

All mediums Open Submissions on the theme of growing your own produce and flowers.
We’re looking forward to seeing allotments, gardens, fruit, flowers, veg, or even your favourite pot plant, represented in any medium such as painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, photography, textile and so on. We welcome and encourage 3D makers too - felting, metal work, paper, papier Mache, knitting, crochet, embroidery, ceramics, glass, jewellery in any medium. The list in endless but you get the idea, have fun with it!
Our visitors and volunteers love to see your work, every submission helps to keep Open Door’s doors open. Your work can be for sale or just for viewing.
For more information visit https://www.opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/exhibitions.html
Opportunity Location
Open Door
360-364 High Street
Email: art@opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk
Website: https://www.opendoorberkhamsted.co.uk/exhibitions.html