Occombe Farm / Events / Fri 30 May 2014
Kids Cookery School - Summer Special

Summer is almost here, have a go at making picnic treats to take home with you and impress your family. Make delicious sandwiches with freshly baked bread, scrumptious sausage rolls, mini quiches and yummy scones. A special event as part of the Geopark Festival, celebrating the yummy food that comes from our red Devon soil!
Meet: Occombe Farm Cookery School
Time: 10am-4pm
Cost: £30 per child (children can be left unattended)
Booking: Essential on 01803 520022 or online (Last date of booking Tuesday 27th May)
For more information visit https://www.countryside-trust.org.uk/events/details/183/kids-cookery-school-summer-special/