Occombe Farm / Events / Sat 26 to Sun 27 Apr 2014 (2 days)
Intermediate Breadmaking

A two-day workshop for those with some experience of breadmaking and looking to expand their repertoire. We will revise the basics before exploring different flours and techniques including the use of yeast (fresh and dried), starters and overnight rising – showing how the flavours of loaves can be altered. Loaves and doughs covered on this course include Sourdough, Brioche, Rye, Fougasse and Pizza.
You will leave with baskets of delicious breads along with the confidence to try new methods at home. Workshop led by Lucy Croose (who studied with expert baker Andrew Whitely) author of Bread Matters, founder of the Village Bakery and co-founder of the Real Bread Campaign.
Booking closes for this event on Friday 18 April.
Meet: Occombe Cookery School
Time: 10am - 4pm
Cost: £140 to include lunch and all ingredients
Booking: Essential on 01803 520022 or online
For more information visit https://www.countryside-trust.org.uk/events/details/153/intermediate-breadmaking/