Nude Tin Can / Events / Tue 26 Jan to Sat 20 Feb 2016 (4 weeks)
Urban | Modern Life - Art Exhibition

Urban | Modern Life art exhibition featuring up and coming newly emerging artists.
City life is busy, chaotic, grimy...it's also inspiring, rich and exciting...it's dark, gritty, it's scary...it's beautiful, it can be heart stopping.
A selection of artists from across the UK feature in this month long exhibition at St Albans' newest independent art gallery.
For more information visit http://www.nudetincan.gallery/
Event Location
Nude Tin Can - Art Gallery
125 Hatfield Road
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 569 291
Email: n.tincangallery@outlook.com
Website: http://www.nudetincan.gallery/