Nude Tin Can / Events / Sat 09 to Sat 23 Jan 2016 (2 weeks)
Erotica - Art Exhibition

Erotica - Art Exhibition.
Eroticism is wholly dependent on the viewer's culture and personal tastes. Some may feel eroticism is an intrusion into the public realm and is something to remain private, unseen and hidden.
The exhibition will exhibit a wide variation and interpretation of the Erotic theme from a number of artist from across the UK at St Albans newest art gallery Nude Tin Can Gallery.
Confirmed artists listed:
Jas Davidson - Sculpture
Ivor Sexton - Paintings
Tracy Watt - Painting
Dave Long - Mosaic Art
Tony Meadows - Sculpture
Caroline Evans - Drawing
Adam Stockman - Sculpture
Tatiana Hurynovich - Painting
Pia Rogers - Painting
Lisa Smith - Drawing
Glyn Roseden - Sculpture
Steve Ferris - Painting
For more information visit http://www.nudetincan.gallery/
Event Location
Nude Tin Can
125 Hatfield Road
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 569 291
Email: n.tincangallery@outlook.com
Website: http://www.nudetincan.gallery/