Nigel Wood / Events / Wed 20 Aug 2014
Natives and Aliens

Hi all
Tomorrows walk is at Sharkham Point.
Here plants from the volcanic slopes of Japan, the arid desserts of Algeria
and sunny Caribbean Islands compete for space with our native species of plants for their place in the sun.
The main topic will be Native and alien plants -why are they there and why does it matter ? As usual we will stop and look at any interesting thing that turns up
Yesterday during the preparatory walk there were humming bird hawk-moths
flying around and many plants that we have not seen on our walks on Berry Head
Meet at the Sharkham car park 10 am
a gentle 1.5 mile walk stopping often Cost £5 pp
If you need a lift contact me on 01803851991
Event Location
Sharkham Point Car Park
Telephone: 01803 851 991