Nicholas Bellamy / News / Fri 13 Sep 2013
London exhibition for Torbay ceramic sculptor

Nicholas Bellamy, Torbay ceramic sculptor is pleased to announce that he will be holding a solo sculpture exhibition at the William Benington Gallery in Islington, London from 10th October to 15th November 2013. On display will be his latest ceramic works, each exploring the hidden and subconscious emotions of the positive and negative spaces of the human mind.
If you are in London during these dates please drop into the gallery at - 20 Arlington Way, Islington, London, EC1R 1UY. T: 020 3659 5818
William Benington Gallery - http://williambeningtongallery.co.uk
For more information visit http://nicholasbellamy.com/
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Website: http://nicholasbellamy.com/