New Weird Huddersfield / Events / Sat 02 Mar 2019
Arma Agharta (LT)/Recycled Snow Carol/Lo Egin at Small Seeds 2/3

March 2, 2019
Small Seeds
120 New Street
Huddersfield HD1 2UD
£4, 7:30 door 8pm show
No one refused for lack of funds
Lo Egin
Quasi-improvised doom with horns! Riyl Brass Sabbath, Candlebrass, Sunny r0)))ins. Scream if you want to go slower. It comes from Leeds, but stays in your heart.
Recycled Snow Carol:
A poem of a few words drifting slowly as two quartets at the same time pass unbeknownst to one another amid snowy drifts. Written for the Part Singers – local madrigal group featuring:
Eleanor Cully
Fiona Pacey
Ruth Bostock
Roshan Battiwalla
Ben Drury
Ruairidh Pattie
Chris Kneale
James Beattie
Accompanied by the fizz and sprinkles of the tape part by Eleanor Cully
+ a short reading of Lemon Snow Dream (by EC to SB)
Then, its:
shamanic sound-wizard
ARMA AGHARTA (Lithuania)
ritual / dada / toys / objects / voice / action / costumes / spiritual / maximalist
Arma Agharta is the sound performance artist and promoter from Lithuania devoted to improvised and experimental music. He got invovled in the world wide underground 20 years ago by publishing zines, running label, playing in bands and organizing shows. Currently Arma is concentrated on live performances and in curating events in Lithuania.
Since 2007 he has done more than 450 performances all over the world, from Brazil to Phillipines, from Greenland to Siberia.
His intense and high energy shows span a broad territory between the eruptions of chaotic noise and hypnotic psychedelic ritual to dadaist humour, odd bodily movements, spontaneous improvised games and the voice, detached from meaning and turning into unintelligible glossolalia.
Participated in these festivals and special events:
Sonic Protest (France), All Ears (Norway), Arctic Sounds (Greenland), Volta (Mexico), Destroy Vancouver (Canada), Transgresje (Poland), Gogbot (Netherlands), Sonic (Denmark), Construction (Ukraine), Le mini Who (Netherlands), Mlode Wilki (Poland), Camp (Germany), Aposition (Russia), Hamselyt (Ukraine), Other Worlds (UK), MEM (Spain), FIME (Mexico), Noise & Fury (Russia), Sonic Circuits (USA), E:MF (USA), SOTU (Netherlands), Sound Around (Russia) and all the main Lithuanian festivals.
His music is exclusively released on cassette format in various European and American labels.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/514545522284787/
Event Location
Small Seeds
120 New Street
Email: newweirdhuddersfield@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/514545522284787/