New Maynard Gallery / Opportunities / Sat 13 Oct 2018
Attention Hertfordshire Artists!

Are you an artist who lives or works in Hertfordshire? If so then our next exhibition is just for you. Each year we hold an Open Exhibition inviting submissions from artists around the county. The submission date is Saturday 13th October 10am - 1pm at the New Maynard Gallery in Welwyn Garden City. Artists are allowed to enter up to 3 pieces of work. 2D and 3D works are welcome and the gallery charges just £5 per entry unless you are under 21 years old, in which entry is free. For more information and full terms and conditions see our website https://newmaynardgallery.co.uk/open-exhibition/
For more information visit https://newmaynardgallery.co.uk/open-exhibition/
Opportunity Location
New Maynard Gallery
Upstairs Hawthorne Theatre
Campus West
Welwyn Garden City
Telephone: 07806 096 556
Email: info@newmaynardgallery.co.uk
Website: https://newmaynardgallery.co.uk/open-exhibition/