New Leaf College / Opportunities / Wed 01 Nov 2023
FREE short-course: Mindfulness for everyday life

FREE short-course: Mindfulness for everyday life
Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.’ – Jon Kabat-Zinn
Break away from the cycle of negative thinking, critical thoughts and anxiety about the future. Over three sessions you will learn how to live in the ‘here and now’, as you step out of your normal thinking, giving you the opportunity to see the world around you differently.
Learning objectives:
. To understand what mindfulness is.
. To be aware of the benefits of mindfulness practice.
. To learn different mindfulness practices and to understand how they can be incorporated into daily life.
This course takes place over nine hours in three sessions.
01/11/202310:00 – 13:00
08/11/202310:00 – 13:00
15/11/202310:00 – 13:00
Book now: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Mindfulness-for-everyday-life-course
For more information visit https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Mindfulness-for-everyday-life-course
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01442 864 966
Email: newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net
Website: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Mindfulness-for-everyday-life-course