New Leaf College / Events / Thu 17 Dec 2020
FREE course about wellbeing and creativity

‘Creativity is contagious, pass it on.’ – Albert Einstein
Creativity isn’t just about making things, but also a way of thinking. On this short course you will see how creative thinking can be used to problem solve and improve your wellbeing. You’ll try new techniques that will inspire you to become more creative in your everyday life.
Start date
Start time
14:00 – 17:00
For more information visit https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Courses/Book-A-Course/Course-Booking/EventId/2695
Event Location
Telephone: 01442 864 966
Email: students@newleafcollege.co.uk
Website: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Courses/Book-A-Course/Course-Booking/EventId/2695