New Leaf College / Opportunities / Wed 20 Sep 2023
A free course about wellbeing and wellness

Free Thinking Holistically about Wellbeing and Wellness seminar
Date: 20/09/2023
Time: 13:30 – 14:15
This 45-minute session gives an opportunity for participants to think about the positive benefits of thinking broadly when considering routes to recovery, and how a focus on wellness rather than ill-health may be of benefit. This session will consider how making changes in one area might have more surprising positive benefits elsewhere, and how we all have the potential to influence our own wellbeing. It will offer insights from someone with lived experience about how these ideas help them and will give some practical ideas about how you might make a start to think more holistically about your wellbeing.
Course objectives:
· To discover personal recovery and how differing routes help maintain wellbeing
· To focus on ‘wellness’ rather than illness and how it helps the whole person
Book now: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Thinking-holistically-about-wellbeing-and-wellness
For more information visit https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Thinking-holistically-about-wellbeing-and-wellness
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01442 864 966
Email: newleaf.wellbeingcollege@nhs.net
Website: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/Thinking-holistically-about-wellbeing-and-wellness