We understand sometimes life can be hard. Here at the New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College we can help you on the road of recovery. This means leading a happy and fulfilling life despite life’s
We offer a range of FREE short educational courses that can help you better manage your wellbeing. The College is available to anyone over the age of 18 living in Hertfordshire.
View my website https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/
My Location
New Leaf Recovery and Wellbeing College
St Pauls
Slippers Hill
Hemel Hempstead
Telephone: 01442 864 966
Email: info@newleafcollege.co.uk
Website: https://www.newleafcollege.co.uk/
FREE short-course about building opportunities / Wed 29 Mar 2023
‘A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.’ - Sir Francis Bacon Discover how finding new opportunities and taking risks can help you o...
Free course about spirituality and wellbeing / Tue 28 Mar 2023
Explore the different aspects of spirituality and what it means to you, on this short course. Discover different practices of spirituality you could i...
Free course about what to do after a mental health diagnosis / Wed 22 Feb 2023
Your journey to recovery. Recovery is a personal journey; this course discusses how to build a meaningful life after receiving a diagnosis. Learn a...
Wellbeing plans(WRAPs) can help with mental health recovery - wo / Thu 14 Dec 2023
Students will learn about the key concept of Wellbeing plans (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) and how to use one to support themselves in their own rec...
Depression: an introductory session / Wed 13 Dec 2023
This evening session will introduce you to the psychological, physiological and biological causes of depression. You will begin to learn some practica...
Anxiety: An introductory session / Wed 06 Dec 2023
This evening session will introduce you to what anxiety is. You will begin to learn some strategies to self-manage your anxiety to support your person...