New Devon Opera / News / Wed 24 Aug 2011
Madam Butterfly - NDO announces 2012 July production

Following its excellently received and reviewed production of CARMEN (July 2011),
New Devon Opera, the south west's resident professional opera company, announces that its 14-31 July 2012 touring production will be Puccini's heartstring-tugging masterpiece, MADAM BUTTERFLY. Sung in English, with the NDO orchestra and community chorus. Venue dates will be announced shortly.
Principals' auditions will be held at the Royal Academy of Music, London on Sunday 9th October 2011. For details please see New Devon Opera website (Auditions).
Auditions for minor roles and chorus will be held in Devon in the autumn
For more information visit http://www.newdevonopera.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.newdevonopera.co.uk/