New Devon Opera / Opportunities / Wed 24 Aug 2011
Madam Butterfly - NDO announces 2012 July production

New Devon Opera’s (NDO) 2012 production is Puccini’s ‘Madama Butterfly’ – sung in English, with chorus and orchestra. NDO will hold open application auditions on October 9th 2011 in London for the four principal roles ONLY, plus Goro and Yamadori. Auditions for all other roles will be held in Devon at a later date or – by invitation. If we are not able to cast on the day, we will invite singers whom we have heard/worked with previously. We may hold 2nd return auditions in Devon. We welcome singers who have connections with Devon.
1. Auditions - venue and date
• Henry Wood Room, the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5HT, UK http://www.ram.ac.uk/
• Date: Sunday 9 October 2011. There is some limited space available for waiting/warm-up, but you are advised to warm up BEFORE you get there.
• Audition times will be between approximately 10.15 and 19.00
• The Royal Academy is easily accessible by Tube, bus and train.
• NDO has an audition panel, which includes an independent assessor as well as the conductor, director and vocal adviser.
• After assessment, if you have been put on the shortlist or the reserve list you will be notified by email by 30 September 2011. If you have not heard from NDO by 30/9/11, it is unlikely that we will be able to call you for audition.
• Further auditions will be held in Devon later in the year for the remainder of the comprimario roles and for chorus.
2. Applications
• Applications are by email only in the first instance to the Administrator, linda@newdevonopera.co.uk
• Whilst we encourage an open application process, we must remind singers that – because of the exigencies of the tour – the audition panel is unlikely to select anyone who is unable to demonstrate a track record of experience in similar roles.
• Please indicate clearly the role(s)/cover for which you are applying
• Please ensure that you provide all contact details, including your mobile phone no and email.
• You should send:
- Your CV
- Your Biography
- An Audio file
- An uptodate photo
3. Visas:
Please note that you are responsible for ensuring that you have a Visa that permits you to work in the UK (if applicable) at the relevant period (July 2012). You will need to provide written evidence of same.
4. Audition requirements for Sunday 9th October 2011:
• New Devon Opera productions are sung in ENGLISH. We are using the Shirmer edition. You MUST prepare your audition aria in English (ANY English translation is acceptable for this purpose).
• If you do not prepare the audition in English, we regret we will be unable to continue with your audition.
CIO-CIO SAN (Soprano): (a) Un bel di, vedremo (Act II), plus
(b) Any other aria of your choice to be sung in English
PINKERTON (Tenor): (a) Addio, fiorito asil (Act III), plus
(b) Any other aria of your choice to be sung in English
SHARPLESS (Baritone): (a) Any suitable Puccini aria, plus
(b) Any other aria of your choice to be sung in English
SUZUKI (Mezzo): (a) Any suitable Puccini aria, plus
(b) Any other aria of your choice to be sung in English
GORO (Tenor): Any suitable comprimario character aria sung in English
YAMADORI (Baritone): Any suitable comprimario character aria sung in English
5. Rehearsals, performances and Non-availability dates (NAs)
• NDO has a very short but intensive rehearsal period of approximately 10 days in Devon, which is also planned with its community chorus.
• These rehearsals may be three session days (including evenings/weekends) and take place in the first two weeks of July 2012.
• The Director endeavours to provide detailed character scheduling to avoid blanket calls.
• NAs will ONLY be accommodated if they have previously been agreed in writing by NDO.
• Please note that ‘NAs’ MUST be notified before audition.
• If any NAs are presented after a role offer has been made, the offer will be withdrawn and the contract (if already signed) will be nullified.
6. Covers/Understudies
NDO will have covers for principal roles. We may offer these to singers to whom we have not offered a role OR to singers who are singing comprimario roles.
7. Performances:
• This will be NDO’s 8th Season.
• NDO performances are usually toured within Devon within the last two weeks of July.
• The provisional contract period (including rehearsals) will be from Saturday 30th June to Sunday 29th July 2012 inclusive
• Performances take place at indoor and outdoor venues, as well as in a marquee.
For more information visit http://www.newdevonopera.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Devon UK
Telephone: 01626 365 861
Email: linda@newdevonopera.co.uk
Website: http://www.newdevonopera.co.uk/