Neill Murphy / News / Sat 02 Jan 2016
Artist looking for an agent or person to sell paintings.

I am looking for an art agent or a person who can sell my paintings. I can pay comission on each painting that is sold ie 25 to 30 percent of £200. For a medium size watercolour. More for larger paintings. I have a website that you can use for showing the work to people interested. My art is on this web address if you would like to look first to see if you would be able to sell this art. www.neillmurphy.co.uk
Im an Irish artist living in devon, the work i do is highly unusual and original I think.
For more information visit http://www.neillmurphy.co.uk/
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Email: neillthomasmurphy@gmail.com
Website: http://www.neillmurphy.co.uk/