Nature's Way Counselling / Events / Wed 22 Mar to Wed 10 May 2017 (2 months)
Brixham Marine Conservation Day Photographic Competition

Photographic Competition with Marine Conservation as a theme.. open now ... closing date 10th May 2017... best three photos from each category will be on show during Brixham Marine Conservation Day on 30th May 2017 and some may also be printed in the Herald Express and displayed on line. A guest judge will decide the winner in each category on the day.
Aged 7yrs and under
Aged 8yrs - 12yrs
Aged 13yrs - 17yrs
Aged 18yrs and over
Mifsuds Photographic Ltd are kindly donating a small prize to the winner of each category.
Entry forms, Rules & Conditions can be obtained from Mifsuds Photographic Ltd and Millie and Me in Brixham or email: photocompbmcd@talktalk.net. Happy Snapping!
For more information visit http://www.brixhammarineconservationday.uk/
Event Location
Mifsuds Photographic Ltd
Bolton St
Telephone: 07760 439 760
Email: photocompbmcd@talktalk.net
Website: http://www.brixhammarineconservationday.uk/