National Trust English Riviera / Events / Wed 13 Jul 2016
The writer as collector (a Writing Places workshop)

Wednesday 13 July, 7‐9pm, free event, booking essential (call 01803 842382. No need to book a parking space for this event).
Whether you're new to poetry or already have a body of work, you'll come away from this writing workshop with the draft of a new poem, some feedback from our writer in residence and hopefully some ideas towards future writing. Miriam will be exploring how Agatha Christie and her family were great collectors, and Greenway is filled with objects they gathered from across the globe. You'll get the chance to examine some of the collection, and also to think about the things you or your loved ones have collected (whether intentionally or unwittingly).
For more information visit http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/greenway
Event Location
Greenway Road
Telephone: 01803 842 382
Email: greenway@nationaltrust.org.uk
Website: http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/greenway