MUSiK / Opportunities / Sun 16 May 2021
Project Officer: Kirklees Year of Music 2023

It is an exciting time for culture in Kirklees and for the Council who, after adopting a place-based approach to cultural development, have instigated two key strategic initiatives that support priorities within Culture Kirklees, the vision for the council’s cultural services. These are WOVEN in Kirklees, a biennial textiles festival and to deliver a Year of Music in 2023.
This role is to support the place-based community engagement and development for the Year of Music, being led by the Creative Development Team in Kirklees Council. This post is to ensure the effective and successful delivery of the Year of Music initiative, and ensure it is embedded within all communities of Kirklees.
You will need to show creativity, be enabling of other’s ideas, and be a solutions focused person, able to work within a complex environment with competing deadlines and work streams.
For full details and to find out how to apply please follow the link below.
For more information visit https://kirklees.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/appcentre-1/brand-4/user-22835/candidate/so/pm/1/pl/4/opp/2340-Year-of-Music-Project-Officer/en-GB