MUSiK / Opportunities / Mon 16 Aug 2021
Kirklees Year of Music 2023 - Marketing & Communications Brief

Kirklees Council has committed to deliver a Year of Music in 2023 and is looking for a specialist cultural / music marketing and communications individual or organisation to develop and deliver an active and dynamic campaign for the Kirklees Year of Music 2023 (YOM2023).
The contract will run from 1 September 2021 through until 31 March 2024 with a total fee of £114,000 broken down into three yearly payments of £38,000.
The brief is to support the communications and marketing for the Year of Music, being led by the Creative Development Team to ensure effective and successful delivery of the communications and marketing strategy and plans.
Deadline to apply: 5pm on Monday 16 August 2021
How to apply: Read the full Brief at: www.bit.ly/YoMMarketingCommsBrief
Please submit an Expression of Interest of no more than 2000 words on how you would approach delivering a marketing and communications campaign that meets the aims and objectives and explain your approach and methodology. Please also send your CV and three examples or campaigns that you have completed, with reach and impact of this. From this, a shortlist will be selected to interview.
For further information please contact Kath Wynne-Hague directly email: kath.wynne-hague@kirklees.gov.uk
For more information visit https://www.musicinkirklees.co.uk/year-of-music-2023/