MUSiK / Opportunities / Mon 07 Jun 2021
Finding the musical me! Online 5 week course

Join Maddie Morris Folk Young Musician of the year 2019 on a musical journey.
In this 5-week course being run by Calderdale & Kirkees Recovery and Wellbeing College, you will discover your own musical self. Find out how music can help keep you well and increase your resilience.
This is an opportunity to connect with the music you love and the music that helps you through, alongside others. You will also have a chance to write your own lyrics, design your own album cover and explore the creative world of music. You do not need any experience to join, just an open mind ready to play!
Join them on Microsoft Teams each week for 5 sessions of musical fun.
Course commences Monday 7 June.
Full details at the link below.
For more information visit https://www.calderdalekirkleesrc.nhs.uk/courses/online-courses/finding-the-musical-me/