MUSiK / Opportunities / Mon 06 Dec 2021
Commission: Volunteering Programme Scoping Exercise

Kirklees Council has committed to deliver a Year of Music in 2023, which will be a transformational system change programme that strengthens the music ecology of Kirklees from within, including education, health & wellbeing, night-time economy, music tourism, aspiration & skills, and inclusion, with a view to supporting tackling poverty, reducing inequalities and inequity and in developing an inclusive economy, built on localism and citizenship.
Year of Music 2023 will harness the unique power of making and enjoying music to bring people together; improve our health and well-being and put Kirklees firmly on the map as a place where great music can be made and enjoyed.
We are looking to commission a short scoping exercise to recommend ways forward with the Year of Music Volunteering Scheme. This is to be a quick piece of work (one week max) and the fee offered is £1,500.
For full details about the commission please see this document
For further details about this commission, please contact Kath Wynne Hague at email kath.wynne-hague@kirklees.gov.uk
For more information visit https://www.musicinkirklees.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: https://www.musicinkirklees.co.uk/