Music with Mummy / News / Thu 01 Oct 2009
New classes coming soon for 3 - 5 year olds...

Currently classes are running for babies aged from 12 weeks and toddlers aged 1 - 3+ years, but soon there will also be the opportunity for preschool children aged 3 - 5 years to get involved in our music classes. The last stage of our programme is called THREE FOUR TIME and it takes children that little bit further in their musical experiences, introducing specific musical terms and concepts, and encourages independence and creativity. And children will attend these sessions without an adult, thus further preparing them for the giant step of starting big school.
If you would like to know more please contact me on 01803 842839 and look at the website news link for more details.
For more information visit http://musicwithmummyandcarol.co.uk/ThreeFourTime.aspx