17/04/2011 | The Art Room, Topsham
Susie Hodder-Williams & Chris Caldwell | Live at the Long Room
Live At The Longroom goes to the seaside...
Susie Hodder-Williams and Chris Caldwell are joined by a their special guest Rick Bolton on cello & guitar.
"Bolton's solos are a constant delight" The Guardian
Come and share a glass of wine and music in the Art Room www.theartroomtopsham.co.uk surrounded by Benedict Rubbra's inspirational exhibition.
music by Steve Goss, Bach, Nick Drake, Karl Jenkins, Dave Brubeck and improvisations on folksongs
tickets £10 booking recommended: telephone Deborah on 0795 292 3318
For more information visit http://musicontheedge.com/live.php
Event Location
Website: http://musicontheedge.com/live.php